Friday, August 01, 2008


Listening to : Bleed Black - AFI
Eating :
Watermelon Jolly Rancher
Activity[s] :
Admiring my body art [rofl], Listening to Perry & Rusty play some shooter game.

I haven't blogged in a while, HUH.
Yeah, yeah, I know. ;D

So today.
Was Fiesta Friday.
Parade Daaaaaay.
I spent the night at my grandma's last night, woke up at 8 [offically woke up, anyway.], and got dressed. We were out of the house by 9.30. O:
Which is impressive, considering 'we' was me, Katie, Courtney, Nicole, my grandma, Susan, Aunt Sara, Aunt Karen, Bryce, Carla, and Melissa. O: [& I dont even know who this Melissa chick was, lol.]

But yeah.
So then we droooove down to the CC parkinglot. And I was there for a good half hour.
Then my mommy came and brought me home. ^^ Yay for mommies.

Cause see.
This morning I was up at 6.30, in pain, pissed off, and sick.
I stood up, and it hurt so bad I was dizzy, and felt all nauseated and stuff.
Fucking sucked. D:
I felt all hot and cold at the same time... And I was covered in a thin sweat.
I was freaking out. I thought I was dying. D:

This is what I just drew on my arm.
Make the KHK black [the purple heart is still covering it, though], take out the actual words, and kinda move up the little v thingers. & Take away the black background, of course.
It looks SO COOL.
Im awesome. ;D
Everyone's gonna be all "whut".
And Ill be all "Kill Hannah, betch."
And they'll be all "O. Lol."


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