Friday, August 22, 2008

all pretention.

Listening To : Red Stars - Birthday Massacre [I LOVE THIS SONG.]
Drinking : Tang!
Activity[s] : MSN, Olympics, face mask time!

Was insaaane.

My dad came by and got me at like, 9.30, and we went straight to SBHS.
It was such a freaky blast from the past.

Cause apparently my transfer/registration expired at DP, so yeah.
I had to transfer all over again.
So anyway.
We stood around so long I felt sick.
It was a major bummer.
Though walking through the halls with the keys to my dad's Nissan Altima Hybrid was fun.
I want a car now. xD
I like carrying around the keys.

So then I went to the office.
And it was all mega awkward at lunch.
Jason was like, dead silent.
And Joe called Eric my boyfriend. lol.
But more on that in a moment.

So anyway.
Then we go back to DP [for the second time by then!].
And the secretary for the principal is like "We might not have room. And even if we do, credits might prevent you from coming back. You'll have to talk to an AP."
And Im sitting there like "WHAT IS AN AP." But yeah.
Even though my dad convinced me to go back, and now I want to.
I might not be able to.

[wtf my mom is interrogating me about the mask I have on my face. Im all self-conscious now. bitch.]

So, once I had like, forced myself not to cry cause school is a fucking BITCH.
I went to Dr. Ferguson [my /other/ psychiatrist].
And she gave me medication for ADD.
So I have ADD now! O:
Seriously though.
I'll be on amphetamines tomorrow.
Im so excited.
To see how I react to it, lol.
Like. It'll be so cool to see what Im like /without/ ADD. o.o

So back to Eric.
I texted him.
And was like "Lol Joe called you my boyfriend today."

And then later on, he was like "I just rolled down sand dunes, lol."
And I was like "Ahahahaha amazing. How'd that go?"
And he's like "Well, your "boyfriend" has sand in odd places. But it was fun."
And I was all "Oooh, lolol. Priceless. ;D Anyway. Your "girlfriend" has ADD. Lucky you. ._."
And hes like "Well, my "girlfriend" is still awesome, and Im pretty sure I can live with that."
I pretty much died.
It was so cute.
I wish we could have had that conversation without the "'s. Yeah.

Tomorrow Im gonna get my eyelashes dyed.
With my Aunt Sara and my cousin Katie.
It should be.. Interesting.
I'll be on extended release speed.
Lol I'll never get over that. ;D

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