Saturday, June 28, 2008

louder and louder.

Listening To : Love Me Dead - Ludo
Drinking : Java Monster
Activity[s] : Talking on msn.

Im not a happy girl right now.
For one, I really miss Nik.
A lot.
And thats so weird ; its not like Im used to seeing him a lot.
But really. I haven't seen him since January 13th. Of '07.
And like, i was talking about him with Susan today, and.. I dunno.
Shes like "Well, its like, he likes you back."
And the whole time, Im sitting there, wondering if he really does, or if he's just being.. a guy.
You know ? LIke, I see him so little, he doesn't have to put up with me much.
So I dunno. D:

& My birthday is on Monday.
And I still dont really know what Im gonna do. D:
It seems liek all Im doing is going out to dinner.
Like, 89348 times.
Tomorrow Im going out with my dad and co.
Cause everyone knows how much I love my little siblings.
Ugh. Leia bugs the shit out of me.
Sue me. I dont care ; she does.
At least Im honest.

&& I hate being disrespected.
Its like ; there's someone who doesn't respect anything I say.
Will just completely ignore me if Im not talking about something they find 'meaningful'.
Not that their ideas of a 'meaningful' conversation have any merit.
I say meaningful things, damn it.
I just dont make a big show of it.
Im a subtle person, ftr. So I dunno.

How do you deal with someone who treats you like shit?
The catcchhhh ; I love them to death.
Go figure.

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