Saturday, June 28, 2008

louder and louder.

Listening To : Love Me Dead - Ludo
Drinking : Java Monster
Activity[s] : Talking on msn.

Im not a happy girl right now.
For one, I really miss Nik.
A lot.
And thats so weird ; its not like Im used to seeing him a lot.
But really. I haven't seen him since January 13th. Of '07.
And like, i was talking about him with Susan today, and.. I dunno.
Shes like "Well, its like, he likes you back."
And the whole time, Im sitting there, wondering if he really does, or if he's just being.. a guy.
You know ? LIke, I see him so little, he doesn't have to put up with me much.
So I dunno. D:

& My birthday is on Monday.
And I still dont really know what Im gonna do. D:
It seems liek all Im doing is going out to dinner.
Like, 89348 times.
Tomorrow Im going out with my dad and co.
Cause everyone knows how much I love my little siblings.
Ugh. Leia bugs the shit out of me.
Sue me. I dont care ; she does.
At least Im honest.

&& I hate being disrespected.
Its like ; there's someone who doesn't respect anything I say.
Will just completely ignore me if Im not talking about something they find 'meaningful'.
Not that their ideas of a 'meaningful' conversation have any merit.
I say meaningful things, damn it.
I just dont make a big show of it.
Im a subtle person, ftr. So I dunno.

How do you deal with someone who treats you like shit?
The catcchhhh ; I love them to death.
Go figure.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Split the ocean!!

Listening To : All Around Me - Flyleaf ; Walk On Water - Milk Inc.
Drinking : Water. Thats warm. Eu.
Activity[s] : Watching Strawberry Panic! [anime]

I havent posted in my blog in forever.

Right now Im sitting on the forway.. Forway, wtf.
Right now Im sitting on the FLOOR. And yeah. Its all fine and dandy.
And Im STARVING to death, I havent eaten since...
Night before last.
Gaaaah. And its nearly seven, so its not like its early in the day.
Nearly 48 hours, ugh.
I gotta stop doing that. xD

And on top of that, its a million degrees.
So for the last several hours Ive been sitting [more like laying] on the floor, cause if I stand up I get dizzy and fall over. I dont do well in heat ; unless Im at Magic Mountain or something. xD

Speaking of Magic Mountain...
My birthday is in 10 days.
Im pretty excited. ;D
Only not really, cause Im not going to do anything for it. So meeeeh.
Not going to school for so long is a bitch. >.>
All my friends are like.. Not in Santa Barbara. -cough- New Zealand -cough-.
Wtf Firefox doesnt know how to spell Zealand. Its a damn country. xD

So this anime Im watching. Its kind of annoying in how strung out it is. Im on episode nine or something, and gah.
Aparently this one chick dies, though.
Haha, there are NO males in it. Its funny.
And its pissing me off. But Im too lightheaded to do anything abnout it, so w/e. xD

Anyway, mum and I are going to go downtown and EAT.
Hopefully I wont die on the walk down there. ;D
If I do...
I dunno.