Monday, December 01, 2008

i see nothing in your eyes.

Listening To : Breath -- Breaking Benjamin
Eating : The most orgasmic Trader Joes meal ever -- a french 'tart' [pizza-esque] with ham and onions. Its. A. Maz. Ing.
Drinking : Alyssa-style gourmet hot chocolate.

. you take the breath right out of me.
. you left a hole where my heart should be.

I had a ridiculous day today.
I didn't sleep last night, obviously, so I had that added loveliness.
But I also didn't eat.
Nothing since dinner last night. Only coffee. About 5 cups of it.

You saw, briefly, what was going through my head post-poetry, but I wasnt like that all night, I promise.
I spent a long time watching movie preview spoofs and college humor videos. It was way too much fun. xD
I felt like I was rotting my brain, but thats cool.
It was a lot more amusing than working on my Literature essay like I was 'supposed' to be doing.

The change was sparked by my random decision to both listen to 'emo' music, and check up on dA.
Bailey had posted a journal, featuring 13 artists she really liked.
And the first two were poets.
I randomly picked one, and boy did I choose right.

I ended up looking at Amertie's gallery for a while, reading her poems, and sinking into this awesome trance state.
I get like that, you know.
I actually rather like it. I think super logically when Im like that.
She's truly amazing, though. Really. <-- Click! So yeah. I showed up at school singing Breaking Benjamin, looking fucking goregous, and having snapped back into a good, non-trancelike mood.
Where I proceeded to be silly. xD

But even though I was in my typical, bubbly, i-didnt-sleep-last-night mood, I was really thoughtful all day.
I kept finding excuses to look at people [cough] and just like. Think.
I do that from time to time.
Its really pretty magical.

. i see nothing in your eyes.
. and the more i see, the less i like.

Oh speaking of which.
Its impossible to know whether or not the effort I put into myself was noticed.
The kid makes no sense, ever.
I was talking to Leah, and Im like "Dude I never have any idea what the hell he's even doing."
And shes like "I KNOW. Its kind of odd."
So whatever. xD
I retained my beauty, though. ;D When I got home, my face still looked halfway decent.

Gym sucked.
See, last time, Jason informed me that I had a B.
So today I was freaked out, and put a lot of effort into it.
But the downside was I still hadnt had anything to eat but coffee, really.
I was dizzy half the time, and by the end, I was physically shaking.
Like, vibrating.

Leah, Preston and I had a lovely walk back, though. ;D
Its pretty amusing. He's pretty amusing, I mean.

"So then why are you sixteen, and in tenth grade?"
"Cause its my second year of tenth grade."
"Wh.. What? Really? How did that happen?"
"Its a long story."
"I have time. Well not really. But hit me."

Silly, I tell you.

I stayed after school for a bit to harass Katy in History office hours, that was fun.
And then I got home and died.
I went up and went to bed and slept for two hours. xD
And then came down to eat..
And here I am!

. is it over yet?
. i cannot win.

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