Monday, December 01, 2008


Listening To : A Modern Myth -- 30 Seconds To Mars

I feel really guilty right now.

As you know, my computer is broken.
So dad finally called Dell, and they sent us a new keyboard [lol] and a Windows XP disc, so that we could reinstall the operating system.
The sticker on the bottom of the computer with the Windows product key was put in the WORST PLACE POSSIBLE, because the fucking numbers wore off.
So I tried to see it, and figure out the numbers, but apparently Im fucking retarded and failed.

So now he has to buy a new product key for like, 200 bucks.
Yay Alyssa.

Hes like "This computer is a disaster for me."
Which makes me feel fantastic.

What a way to end a shitty day, eh?

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