Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hahahee, pt. 1.

Alright. Hey, hi, whats up? :P

In case anyone wanted to know, i was informed Blake.. something-or-other lost American idol. I honestly think whoever he lost to should go fall in a hole. Cause he was so obviously the best.
Not the most talented maybe, but he fits the part. And I dont even watch the show. :D

Apparently I left my candle burning all night last night. Bummer. Although it hardly burned down at all, the heat of the flame and the weight of the candle caused it to get all.. Squished. o_O
So now I have this odd candle with a bublous top. xD

Im kinda ticked off cause i didn't make it through to Round 2 of StyLeesh. I mean, I worked my ass off on that pose, you know? Whatever. I tried... However, Ming was at the very bottom.. Is that saying something? I dunno.
Gizzy wouldn't stop flirting with Dell.. It was hilarious. Like, they were waiting for the results of SOS's final round.. She spanked him. xDDDDDDD

In the world of my roleplays.. Well, the one with Rachel is going well. Si, si.

ANYWAY. I was gonna say something, but I forgot what. Crap. I'll add more later I suppose. [:

1 comment:

Pani said...

