Monday, October 15, 2007


You think you have something completely under control...

Okay, so thats a lie.
Ive never once thought that...


Anyway, moving on.
I figure /one/ post that has nothing to do with the silly drama in my life might be nice.


There was this super weird guy at school today..
Blue were trying to see how close we could get to Alex without him noticing us...
And there was this sticker on a locker that said "Is it ____ta?"
Cause it had been torn, so we didn't know what it said..
So we were like "Is it ganstaaa?"
And Blue said "Yeah, cause thats gonna happen.. 'Can you go?' 'I dunno, is it gansta?'"
And I started laughing...
And then this dude randomly came up to us and was like "Did you tell her a really funny joke or something..?"
And we looked at him, and I thought she knew him, so i was like "No.. Hahah. No.. Hahahaha."
So we explained it..
And now, I think he wants to stalk us. o.o
Scary scary.

Uhm... What else...?
I dunno. XD

Orange is a pretty color. :D

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