Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Okie dokie.
So today, I was sitting in history...
Alex wouldn't even look at me... >.>
I walked over to Elizabeth [who sits right next to him..], and he still didnt look at me...

So anyway, Elizabeth was like "Whats up?"
And I just kinda looked at her and frowned, and he grabbed my hand and was like "Tis okayy..."
And she nodded over in Alex's direction, then had a questioning look, and I just sort of nodded...
And she's like "Yeah, he told me.."
And I shrugged, and we talked about how the two of us don't eat [I found someone who gets sick!]..
Shes so sweet, I love her..
She has the prettiest features, too.. Just.. Stunning.
I don't quite understand how he can /not/ like her.. Gosh.
So, back to history..
We took this test today, and yeah.
I totally didn't know any of the answers.. I didnt even have all my Cornell notes. ;-;
How the hell am I supposed to know which king was a fecking Puritan?!
And of course, Alex wouldnt look at me. The whole time.
It was terrible.. Like.. Ugh.
I hate how he acts like he never even knew me...
Mr. Ratelle gave me [and only me] a starburst.
Isnt that nice?!

So, while I was sitting...
I realized the fact my relationship with Alex completely failed because of me.
Like no one has told me that... >.>
But still.
I figured it out all on my own..
I was to unwilling, subconsiously...
Damn me.
I need to tell my subconsiousness to fuck off and die.
Its ruining my life.

What else happened todayyyy...

Oh. Chris was super cute in Physics.
He helped me braid my hair. :p
And and and. He was like "Im going to break this chair over your head!"
And I looked at him funny, and he came over and hugged me, and was like "Nah, I wouldnt do that.. Youre too nice." :]
Isnt that sweet?
It made me feel super special..

In English, Fineberg was super scary..
I swear, he'll kill us all someday. >.>

What else...
In Latin.
We learned conjugation.

OH! Driver's Ed was fun..
I just cannot remember why. xD

My life is so weird.
OH. One more class.

So we had a group test..
Our group kicked ass..
Twas me, Blue, Midget Kid, Tyler, Tyler, and Mikey.
We get minus 3 for having too big a group.. xD

But anyway. We planned my funeral..
The food served will be mini bagels, pizza, watermelon, and tequila. :]

I think we failed the test, though. xD


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