Thursday, March 27, 2008

Things I miss.. Oh yes.

Listening To : Foundations - Kate Nash
Drinking : Water
Activity(s) : Writing a roleplay post, doing World homework, chatting online, singing badly. ;D

It is common knowledge that there are occasions when I need to be reminded to update my blog. This was one of those times.


Today I went downtown with Amanda Wells.
It was incredibly fun, lol. I havent hung out with one of my friends in MONTHS. Literally. Months.
So it was the coolest thing evar.
We got frenchfries, and only frenchfires, at McDonalds. The people thought we were weird.
Weird people.
We also went pee in Saks.
Only went pee. Nothing else. That store freaks me out. xP

So. Ive decided to compile a list of things I used to love to do that I miss doing now.

- Talking on the phone with Zachary
- Talking on MSN with Peter and Kara
- Talking/Roleplaying with Paige... Leopards giving blowjobs, woo!
- My roleplay with Rachel.. It was so ridiculous. xD
- Eating quesadillas.. I just.. Dont like them anymore. ><
- Actually /talking/ to April.
- Going to Mt. Carmel.. I miss Ray Nowak. Go figure.
- Simple pleasures. Like touching a guy's hand, and dying in a fit of squeals.
- Playing Sims for hours on end. And hours. And even MORE hours. And /enjoying/ it.
- Thinking I am invincible.
- Going to Mr. Long's math class(es).
- "The fan blew my skirt up!" "Yeah, straight up."
- Dancing around to Britney Spears.
- Driving down the driveway on my mommy's lap.
- Playing silly games with Jessica. <3
- Thinking 'doing crack' was beating the sidewalk with a hammer till it cracked.
- Having my parents never /dream/ of mentioning sex to me.
- Adoring Barbie dolls...
- Not having a boyfriend.. ><
- Not having to shave my legs. xD
- Preschool. I miss being obsessed with Tyler, and fighting over which way was right, and which was left.
- "Shaina-nut, peanut, Alyssa-nut, walnut, cashew nut, cat-nut, lamp-nut".
- Shaina in general... Shaina Street.. xD
- Not worrying about what I look like..
- Being somewhat artistic.
- Being imaginative.
- Having my Grandpa Paul obsessively clean my nails.
- "Feeding the animals" with sugar water in my grandma's backyard, and purposely putting a whole bunch of sugar in mine, cause I knew wed drink it while looking out at the Bay Bridge at the top of the garden.
- Being.. little.


Anonymous said...


Database said...

I miss talking to you as well!! Are you not on MSN anymore then? Or have you just not got my new address? (database404 (@)