Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Best Entry Title Ever

Listening To : Girl's Not Grey - AFI
Eating/Drinking : That super sexy AIR stuff.
Activity(s) : Well.. Im supposed to be sleeping, if that counts for anything.


Alyssa has a really hard time holding onto a guy, it seems.
Cause once again.
Yours truly is single.
I dunno if Im happy or not.
Of course, I broke up with him, upholding the "Ive never been broken up with" tradition...
Does that make me a whore?
Someone said I have a subconscious fear of being dumped, so I do the dumping.
I responded with "o.O".

Oh holy wow.
I just used the spellcheck in Firefox.
Im in looooove.


New things in Alyssa's life... -thinks-

The other day I found a lamp in the trash.
And it totally works. o.o
The cool thing?
Its a Tanqueray bottle. ;D
Kicks ass, oh yes.

My mommy got me this kick ass book.
Its cool.

I learned how to make these little potato things with potatoes (obviously), eggs, and matzo ball mix.
Which is awesome.
Cause thats like, the only food we have.
So its handy when Im starving to death.
(Which I usually am..)

My bathroom is still neat. o.O
Which is crazy.
I keep all the clothes in one corner.
Amazing. -dies-

This is an important one.
I decided (realized, actually..).
That even though I told myself I wouldnt care about Nik anymore..
I totally care.
Like a lot.
I miss him.
A shitload.
Damn him for living far away.

So yeah.
Im done now.
I need to sleep and shit.

Much love, from the Alyssa.
Who is freezing ass cold.
(Ive never understood that phrase...)

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