Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Blah. Updateeee.

Post time. :D
Everyone keeps going "You havent blogged! Why haven't you blogged?!"
Im tired of it. ;D
I also have 20 minutes to write this.
Update on my life :
Its no better, if thats what you're thinking..
My mom is more spastic than ever, and shes been talking to my dad, making me sound bad and stuff.. ;-;
"They" decided theyre being too easy on me and need to make me do stuff I need to do. And while my dad might /kinda/ agree, I dont think he knows what he's done by letting her do that...
Im so doomed.
Last night madre threatened to send me away to like, Iceland. She wants to get rid of me, even though she deny's it.. People have a way of having a loosened tongue when theyre on drugs.
An its not like she was over exaggerating.. She said it so strongly, so surely.. Scared me.
My little brother ended up crying....
Speaking of little brothers.
Today I didnt want to hug him, and he pulled his "Well no wonder Alex broke up with you."
I nearly started crying.
Madre is pissed cause I wont eat the hummus she made me, but Im freaking sick.
Just the smell of it makes me sick, I cannot imagine what actually eating it would do. Not something Id like to puke up, is for sure. D:
Im not going back to school, which is apparent due to the fact it restarted today.. :/
Im sick of this whole thing, really. I would so much rather be dead, and just not have to deal with this hell that my life is now, but nooooooooo.
What the hell Im living for, I haven't the slightest idea.
I love no one, no one loves me, Im kind of lost and wandering emotionally... I dunno what to do, honestly.
Im really just sick of everything..
My mom yelling at me for no reason, the fact Im always in a bad mood, my schooling, my friends, my lack of love.. Everything. D:
I hate hate hate hate hate existance.
Fucking A, nothing works how I want it to. I WANT A FUCKING BLANK LINE.
Fucking bastard blogger shit fuck cunt.
(Thats how I am lately. Im seriously sitting here sobbing.)

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