Listening To : Pjanoo -- Eric Prydz ; Proper Education -- Eric Prydz vs. Floyd
My friends are fucking morons, I'd like to say that now.
Im kind of pissed off about it, too. Like. Shit.
As if my life isn't fucked over enough.
We have 140 bucks til' the end of the month. Im already gonna have to choose between internet and the cell phone, and to be honest, I haven't decided yet.
There's not ONE goddamn thing in this house I actually want to EAT; I've been barely surviving by eating at my boyfriend's like.. Every night. o.o
AND. School starts in two days, and I still don't have a fucking BINDER, let alone paper to put in it, or pens to write on it with. And of course, I haven't a thing to wear.
But yes.
As if all of that wasn't bad enough, I have the people I count on most to cheer me up and make me forget about all the lovely shit in my life are going and adding to it.
Okay well not all of them. Most of them are pimpin', as usual.
Friend #1:
Throwing a bitch fit because of a delicious rift in our group of friends, centered around mainly one person.
One person that I am totally associated with, considering hes my fucking boyfriend.
And because she is all like "OMG NO AVOID LIKE PLAGUE.", it makes me have to choose between her or him.
And, to top it all off, her idiocy is making OTHER people have to choose too, because she flips out at them if they hang out with the boy.
Im trying to use absolutely no names at all, because.. that'd be pointing fingers?
Lol idiot. You know me, and you know who the hell it is.
I wanna be her friend, but not if she's going to make everyone's life hell with her "ITS HIM OR ME, HO." routine.
Even though she claims she isn't doing it, and is like "Ah nah, its coo'.", she totally is.
"Oh hes going? Oh Im not going to go. I'll hang out with them some other time."
And it kind of fucking sucks. A lot.
Because I really hate to be in positions where I have to choose.
And considering Im gonna choose the guy anyway... Its just sort of idiotic. I mean. Ugh. :/
Friend #2:
- Has a new pothead boyfriend!
- Said boyfriend is a fucking manwhore.
- Said friend is an adorable little picture of innocence [as she damn well should be at 15].
- Drank half a bottle of vodka tonight! Yaaaay.
- "Im gonna play peer pong. Toodles!" - 5 minutes later - "Fuck I hate my ideas. Im hiding from beer pong."
- "Im going to to whatever I want anyway!"
I was all like, jealous of her yesterday, but it kind of hit my that Im motherfucking happy my boyfriend is as sweet as he is.
Sure I might fail miserably at life, but he's not about to compare me to 9249874 other dumb sluts. And Im freaking happy about that, god damn it.
And there's gonna be [and is] more to my relationship than "Okay shit I have to give really good head otherwise he's going to think Im lame and dump me. Oh, I hope I dont get an STD. Wait, isn't it STI now?"
[Mines more along the lines of "HAHA lets go to ihop at 8 on a saturday morning, and talk about cars the whole way there AND back! Omg your cannonball sucks get out of the pool and do it RIGHT, BOY. You have sand in your hoohah! Your parents were merpeople! MERBOY!" And I fucking love it/him. ♥]
So suck on that! [?]
I dunno.
I mean.
I give more of a damn about the second one, because I love her dearly and am seriously concerned...
But ugh. I dont know, man.
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