Sunday, July 26, 2009

it'd be tragic, if those evil robots win.

You Are The Moon
The Hush Sound

Shadows all around you,
as you surface from the dark
Emerging from the gentle grip
of night's unfolding arms

Darkness, darkness everywhere,
do you feel all alone?

The subtle grace of gravity,
the heavy weight of stone

You don't see what you possess,
a beauty calm and clear
It floods the sky and blurs the darkness
like a chandelier

All the light that you possess
is skewed by lakes and seas
The shattered surface,
so imperfect,
is all that you believe

I will bring a mirror,
so silver, so exact
So precise, and so pristine,
a perfect pane of glass

I will set the mirror up,
to face the blackened sky
You will see your beauty
every moment that you rise.


Drinking : Purple Monster!
Activity[s] : Music hunting!

I seriously think that may be one of the prettiest goddamn songs I have ever heard.
Im like, in awe. Its freaking gorgeous, and I absolutely adore it.

Ive been having an interesting time of things, lately.
People from my past are coming back to haunt me.
And then I end up having to break up with someone Im not even dating.
I shouldn't have to justify why I refuse to cheat, but for some reason, I did.
And it was horrible.
[this is alex, im talking about, by the way. stupid manwhore.]

Shes a blackbelt in karate! [hay hay!]
Working for the ci-taaay,
shes got to discipline her bodyyy.
Cause she knows that.
Its demandinggg.
To deeeefeeeat, those evil machinnees.
I know she can beat them!
Oh Yoshimeeeh, they dont believe meeeh!
But you wont let those robots eat meeeh! Yoshimeeeeh!

The best song, possibly ever.
I mean, how can you beat a line like "She knows she has to defeat them, so shes taking lots of vitamins!"
Good job, Yoshimi.

I dont really have anything idiotic to tell you, to be honest. o.o

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