Friday, November 28, 2008

8 People I Couldn't Live Without

Ive done this before, in January. [link]
I really like doing it, too.
So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, Im gonna do thisss shit. (:

My family [mum, dad, stepmum, brothers, sister, grandparents, cousins, etc.] don't count. For real this time.
These are not in order.
The people in my life that mean everything to me.
The people I would drop everything for.
The people I would donate a kidney to without second thought.
The people I would die for.


1. Puteri
On the list once again.
This girl. She's amazing, nice, amusing as hell, loves music as much as I do.
She remembers all the little things I tell her, whether or not theyre inherently important.
She's always willing to talk to me, and help me through things.
She's incredibly supportive of me, and I try to be the same for her.
I don't know where I'd be without this girl -- she's supported me throughout everything in the past year.
She may be in New Zealand, but like fuck I care. She's the best best friend I could ask for.

2. April
I love her with all my heart. I really do. So she's on my list again.
She's saved my life twice, and although I've done the same for her, I still owe her everything.
Ive dated her, and I will forever love her, even if it didn't work out.
I can always count on her to bring a smile to my face, but also to support me when I need help.
She's not perfect, and has trials and tribulations of her own, but we are good at helping eachother out at the same time.
I would definitely die if she did, because I cannot imagine living in this world without her.
I know she's gonna do some amazing things with her life.

3. Cliff
It was a lie, not to have him on the last 'edition'.
Definitely one of my best friends. We talk every day of our lives, about everything and anything.
I love him to death, and he returns the favor. We're mostly okay with it.
We have our problems, and have more than enough disagreements and arguments, but whatever.
Even when we're screaming at eachother, he's still one of my best friends, and I wouldn't trade him for the world
Over the last year, he has integrated himself into my life in such a way that I would be completely lost if he wasnt there.
And Im happy with that.

4. Kate
Proof that randomly complimenting people gets you places.
Kate is one of the most amazing people ever to live. Seriously.
I randomly started talking to her after she said how awesome she thought I was, and now she's one of my best friends.
She has an awesome taste in music, an awesome personality, and is just flat out amazing.
She's always willing to talk with me and help me through anything, whether or not I think I want to talk about it.
She's supported me in more ways than I think even she knows.
She brings a smile to my face every time I talk to her, and conducts herself in an amazing way.
She's down to earth and lovely and I love her to death.

5. Johny
Still on my list. (:
We have gotten past our random arguments on the basis of our morals, which is amazing, because I hated it.
He's awesome, and knows what he believes in and sticks by it, and just that alone is inspiring.
He's caring and thoughtful and watches out for and worries about me -- Im more thankful for that than I let on.
Hes always so excited to talk to me, and brings a smile to my face.
Im still amazed he puts up with all my teenage-girl drama, but whatever.
Ive been talking to him the longest out of any of these people, and Im happy about it. (:

6. Emma
The first of the people on this list from Anacapa.
Emma. I dont even know what I can say.
She's always willing to help me through anything, and is probably one of the most thoughtful people on the planet.
She is genuine, and is always looking out for everyone.
At the same time, she's one of the craziest people Ive met [and thats saying something], and we fit together perfectly.
She is great, and we have fun acting like lesbians and talking about the incredibly random people we like. Its magical.
Im really, unbelievably happy I met her, and wouldn't know what to do if she poofilated.
I definitely love this girl, she's fantabulous. (:

7. Wishiah
Second Anacapa person. O: I love that the people I've met there mean so much to me.
Wishiah is great. Seriously.
She's a happy, easy-going person. She looks at things as rationally as she can, and conducts herself in an amazing way.
She's fantastic to talk to, either jokingly or about real, serious things.
She's crazy creative, and we're writing the best story ever. Its sexy.
I find it impossible to be mad at her, and I think thats awesome -- I hate being mad.
She always brings a smile to my face, and I would happily stay up all night talking to her about god knows what.

8. Eric
My pet asian. He's pretty freaking great, too.
I love him to death [it seems like I love everyone..], and I really wish he lived just a little bit closer. Oh welll. ):
I would date him in an instant, I really would.
He's great to talk to -- the sweetest guy ever. He definitely makes me smile.
I hardly ever see him, but whatever. He's still fantabulous.
He is really understanding about everything -- I can tell him anything, and he doesn't hate me.

I love my friends.
I could never live without them.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008

shinin' down on youuuuu.

Listening To : Cry For You -- September ;; Dont Let Me Down -- Nightcore
Drinking :
Cold coffee.
Activity[s] :
Catching up on downloading music ; history homework ; msn

I look like / should be a ballet dancer.

According to like, everyone.
Michael Towbes, the Lovelace family, the owner of the State Street Ballet, one of the actual dancers, the pianist... Christopher Lancashire. xD
I was just like "... Really, now?"
Because apparently I am so graceful.
Even though I nearly fell on the way back to the car. xD Sexy.

The State Street Ballet, which is Santa Barbara's ballet company, got a new studio.
The Gail Towbes Center of Dance.
Gail Towbes.. Awh. it was so sweet. She was Michael Towbes's wife, who died of cancer some 7 or 8 years ago. ):
And she like, loved dance. Loved it.

And the Towbes family is richer than god, as my grandma would say.
So they built this sexy new studio.
So we went to the grand opening party last night. Invitation only, baby!

And Alyssa met Michael Towbes.
Who was so fucking nice I nearly died.
I ended up eating cupcakes with him and his wife Anne.
And the cupcakes were delicious. xD

Apparently I move with grace.
I dunno about that.

But last night was fun.
I love being my grandma's granddaughter.

I get to party with all the amazingly rich, influential people in the world of Santa Barbara's culture.
Its lovely. (:
I also get to see all this amazing dance and music and shizz, so thats fun. xD

Lets see what else.

Holy Shiznit, You Have Friends?

Heavens, I really do. Some freaking awesome ones, too.
Seriously? I dont know what I'd do without these people.
Without them, my time at Anacapa so far would be sucking. Majorly.
So, pretty much stealing Wishiah's idea, here we go. The people I bug the shit out of every day.


To put it simply, she's pretty rocking. But thats as simple as I could possibly be.
Its also really hard to find a picture of her where she looks somewhat normal. Sorry,Wishiah. xD

This chick had turned out to be pretty much amazing? Seriously. I talk to her on the phone WAY too much. Not that Im complaining, cause it pretty much fucking rocks. Even when she's torturing me by calling people I cannot recognize. How sad. xD
But really. She was the first person in my grade [thats tenth, silly people] who I actually talked to. She was my hiking buddy on the first hike in the Grand Canyon. And she was one of the two people who took the time to explain who everyone was to me -- patiently. That was fucking rad.
Wishiaaaah. Everyone loves this chick -- and her name. Even my dad.
She's showed up at my house at 7 in the morning before. That was the best Halloween morning ever. xD Even if I couldn't open the door.
I feel like, even though she's a crazy layday [in the best of ways!], I can count on her to be there, whether or not I think I want her to be.
She's a pretty kickass friend, and dude. She's hilarious.


Emma. There aren't even words, dude. I cant think of any that properly explain how great this chick is.
Lets see. She's amusing as hell. She's super caring and wonderful. She buys me pumpkin spice lattes?! You can't beat that, dude.
Somehow we ended up hanging out like, constantly in Arizona. I can't remember why or how, but dude. It went from "Oh, Im Alyssa.", to us singing Youre Too Big To Fit In Here at the lookout point thing.
I dont even know.
Anyway. She too has turned out to be fantastic. It makes me sad she's not in 10th grade with the rest of us, cause she might as well be in our circle of friends. I dont even know what Id do without her.
The one day I was an absolute mess, she was there for me in so many ways. I am forever in debt to this chick, whether or not she realizes it.
Apparently we're married, so thats pretty sexy. And she licks skulls.
Amazing. Im so fucking happy I know this girl. Her, and her mum's penis car.

Lazy. I will finish this. Later. ;D