Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yay.. ^_^

I bonded I bonded I BONDED! Yeh bitch. You know it.

I am happy now. You know? I mean.. I never thought we'd get a chance to be close ever again.. Its like, a miracle. But maybe it is just because I have grown up and I understand her more, and can relate to where she is coming from.. I mean, we have a lot of the same issuses.. Sleep deprivation, enxiety, blah...

SO yeah. I am going over there Sunday for Colin's birthday. :D My dadddy is happy too.. Id be happy if I was him. My eldest daughter and my wife getting along for once.

And, I think she can even relate and count on me.. I mean, I mentioned how I am always there for my friends, I think that made a big imapact on her.. Which is nice. Maybe she'll feel like she can talk to me about stuff too, not just the other way around.

Oh, also.. I made dinner last night. It was really good too.. Stirfly.. I made mine reallllly hot, and man was it good. I started crying it hurt so bad. I loved it.

But, cutting the meat freaked me out. Meat is hella wierd yo. >.<>

Im still sick. I dont know as if I will ever get better. Not as bad as Jeri, who has the flu.. But still.. I hardly have a voice at the moment. That may be because Im an idiot and sang, even though I know I shouldnt have.

Okay, well.. I am off. I kinda want to convince people to talk to me, then play Seasons.. I like seasons. Plus, its almost spring for the Greing family.. I think I want them to have their baby in Spring anyway... :)

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